Saturday, November 3, 2012

Aerial Yoga: Defying Gravity!

I have always really enjoyed doing yoga, so when I came across aerial yoga (also known as AntiGravity Yoga) I was instantly interested to find out what it was all about. So I went on the internet to learn more and the first thing I came cross was  this YouTube video...

Having to do this for a workout everyday? I am all in! I read that many people believe Aerial Yoga is even more of a stress reliever and relaxing than just your traditional yoga. I also read that not only is this exercise fun and enjoyable, but it is also great for relieving compressed joints and aligning the body from head to toe. 

This technique of yoga originated from athletes and gymnasts, and it incorporates various dance, Pilates, and calisthenics. It allows the individual's body to get into shape while realigning the body from the compression of gravity. 

Unfortunately, there are not any facilities in my area that offer this type of amazing program yet, but I am definitely going to keep my eye open for it when it does come around. This type of exercise is becoming extremely popular, so I am sure it won't take long before someone incorporates it into their gym and I can't wait to test it out! 

It is recommended that when you do try out Aerial Yoga to stick with tight fitted clothing because more baggy clothing can get stuck in the trapeze. I provided below some Nike clothing ideas that would work great for this line of exercise. 


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